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Cerita Sinetron di Indonesia tidak Berkualitas (My presentation)

Portion of the story

Sekarang ini porsi story dari sinetron itu mendominasi kepada hal-hal yang tidk baik. Sehingga tujuan dari tayangan tv tidak sepenuhnya dicapai. Apa tujuanya, memberikan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi orang yang menontonya. Kenapa saya katakan mendominasi, karena acara tv termasuk sinetron itu hanya berada pada entertainment dan bukan pada education. Apa yang terjadi if sinetron lebih mengutamakan entainment. Yang terjadi adalah tidak berkualitasnya sinetron di indonesia. Televisi merupakan media yang sering di liht orang, apabila apacara tv, termasuk sinetron hanya menayangkan hal yang entermentaiment, it means orang-orang akan mengambil hal yang entertainmen, shingga banyaknya masyarakat terpengaruh dengan hal itu.
Contoh: cerita tentang si miskin dan si kaya


Plagiat adalah mengambil hasil karya orang lain, menjadi milik kita, tanpa mencantumkan sumbernya. Plagiat tidak asing di indonesia, terlebih, itu berhubungan dengan sinetron. Banyak sinetron di indonesia nyang mencontoh drama dari negara lain, ketika sinetron di indonesia di tayangkan, orang-orang mengetahui bahwa, mereka telah mengetahui jalan cerita dari sinetron, karna mereka pernah  mnonton drama dari negara lain yang mempunyai cerita yang sama. Akhirnya pihak negara lain menuntut negara kita, untuk memberhentikannya, di mna kreatifitas, bansa indonesia, jikalau hanya membuat sinetron dia plagiat. Disini sya tidak hanya berbicara tetapi memberikan anda bukti tentang itu semua.

Hanya meningkatkan rating

Sinetron di indonesia ceritanya bbukan beralih kepada hal yang mendidik, bahkan dia menjurus kepada meningkatkan rating. Itu merupakan tujuan yang tidak bagus. Mengapa saya katakan hanya meningkatkan rating, lihat saya banyak cerita sinetron putri yang di tukar, it not make sense right. Sekarang banyak rumah sakit yang penjagaannya ketat, mana mungkin bayinya samapai tertukar, itu hanya di dalam sinetron.  Itu berarti jika bnayak penonton di indonesia yang menyukainya, berarti rating sinetron akan bertambah, episode demi episode semakin lama. Artinya, jika sinetron yang tidak baik menjadi rating tertinggi, maka sinetron di indonesia tidak berkualitas, bukan hanya its sinetron, but also people in indonesia, is not qualiity in make the sinetron to educate.

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Berpikir Kritis Sebelum Mengambil Keputusan

Berpikir kritis kerap menjadi masalah bagi anak muda sekarang. Masalah yang di maksud adalah tidak adanya pola pikir yang lebih jauh sebelum mengambil tindakan. Alhasil ketika mereka mengambil keputusan tanpa berpikir maka sesuatu yang berdampak pun akan terjadi. Saya pernah mengalami hal semacam ini, pada waktu saya menduduki kelas 3 sekolah menengah atas, Saya mengambil keputusan dengan sangat terburu-buru, meskipun awalnya keputusan itu baik, tetapi sebenarnya tidak, karena tidak disertai dengan berpikir kritis. Saya mendapat teguran dari bapak wali kelas saya, sehingga bapak wali kelas saya tidak memaafkan saya, karena wali kelas menganggap tindakan saya mungkin tidak baik. Saya mencoba selalu meminta maaf kepada beliau, tapi beliau belum memaafkan, dan saya mencobanya lagi untuk mendapatkan kata maaf dari beliau. Akhirnya, saya mendapat sebuah kata yang sangat mulia itu dari beliau dan saya mengakui kesalan saya. Sekarang, saya menemukan kembali permasalahan seperti itu, pemasalahan yang biasa terjadi ketika kita tidak berpikir kritis. Seseorang yang berpikir kritis pasti ada jiwa kepemimpinan didalam dirinya, Jika ia ditimpa musibah bukan turun dari jabatan yang harus menyelesaikan masalah, tapi bagaimana dia meminta maaf atas kesalahannya dan dapat memperbaikinya. Jangan pernah seorang pemimpin pikiran mereka hanya dangkal. Artinya ketika ditimpa musibah segala sesuatunya dipikir hanya untuk menyerah.Seseorang yang duduk di bangku sekolah dasar, menengah pertama, menengah atas, bahkan perkuliahan mempunya pola pikir yang berbeda. Yang mempunya sifat kritis ialah mereka yang duduk di bangku perkuliahan. Oleh karena itu tempat perkuliahan merupakan suatu wadah bagi kita untuk selalu menyertakannya, karena nantinya kita akan dihadapi dengan dunia yang sebenarnya ketika kita selesai dari bangku perkuliahan. Disitulah kamu memberikan apa yang terbaik, karena bukan hanya orang yang jumlahnya sedikit kamu hadapi, tapi jumlahnya mungkin tidak dapat terhitumg. Maka berpikirlah sebelum mengambil keputusan. Apabila kamu tidak melakukannya, kamu akan dinilai sebagai orang yang tidak kritis dan mengambil keputusan tanpa pertimbangan. Ini adalah salah satu kebiasaan yang kita tekuni ketika kita masih dibangku perkuliahan. Nah, di bangku perkuliahan inilah kita harus memupuk diri kita untuk kritis, karena itu menjadi bekal bagi kita di masa yang kan datang. Sebagaimana pepatah mengatakan “Kecil teranjak-anjak, besar terbawa-bawa. jika kamu membiasakan hal tersebut maka kamu tidak akan melupakannya di manapun kita berada.
Akhirnya, dialam hidup ini, marilh kita menanamkan sifat kritis di dalam diri kita. Dengan demikian segala langkah yang kita ambil, atau segala keputusan yang kita tetapkan membuahkan hasil yang maksimal. Dan Marilah kita melatih diri untuk mulai mengambil keputusan yang sangat sederhana, sebelum kita kan di hadapkan dengan keputusan yang begitu sulit. Selanjutnya, kita tidak perlu kwatir lagi, karena berlatih adalah salah satu tahap bagi kita untuk menciptakan hasil yang lebih baik. Sama halnya dengan berpikir keritis sebelum mengambil keputusan.

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Direct and Indirect Speech

Here, I want to declare about direct and indirect speech. This is our subject when I demonstrate Presentation in front of the class. Do you know what is Direct speech?. Direct speech is what you say with your statement, question, imperative and  exclamation sentence. In reported speech, you should take your attention to change the tenses and adverb of time and place, and  you change the pronoun of them.
A. Change the Tense
If tenses, in the reported speech " said" it is following with the explanation about tenses, and if the reported speech " says" will said" has said" and general truth don't conversion of tenses.
e.g :
DS: He said,"I was playing guitar." IS: He said that He have been playing guitar.
DS: I says, " I will swim." IS: I says that I will swim.
DS: Aris Said, " the year has 12 months."(General truth) IS: Aris said that the year has 12 months.
B. Change the adverb time and place
this is important in the direct speech and indirect speech. if you don't know the how to change the adverb time and place, when you make them, of course when you conversion DS to IS is hard.
Now - then, tomorrow-the following day, today-that day, that-his, next month/next year-the following year, can-could, will-would, must-had to etc.
C. Change the Pronoun
There are 3 step to change the pronoun from direct speech into indirect speech.
If the first person ( We and I ) in the reporting become subject, change into subject in the reported speech.
E.g: DS: She said, " I like banana." IS: She said that she liked banana.
DS: They said, " We like banana." IS: they said that they liked banana.
If the second person (you) in the reporting speech become subject, change into object in the reported speech.
e.g: DS: She said to me, " you like banana." IS: She said to me that I liked banana.
If the third person (she, he, it) in the reporting speech become subject, don't change.
e.g: DS: She said , " she likes banana." IS: She said that she liked banana.

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Organ Donor Should Not be Stopped

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
Have you ever listen story regarding old woman and her neighbor. The old woman has a nice neighbor and her name is Dinda. When dinda take to continuous her job, she got incident in the part of the way. After the incident happen, a lot of society surround part of the way directly help her. Moreover one of the societies took her into the hospital. After she arrives in the hospital, the doctor examines the condition. As the result, Dinda obtain damage organ, it is kidney. Automatically, she needs organ transplantation. In the same time, the old woman directly listens regarding the incident. She went to the hospital and she contribute her organ donation that wanted by Dinda. After the old woman gave adjustment, the doctor commits the transplantation organ. After it done, condition both of them is saving. Furthermore, Dinda still believe, there are many people care to other people. Besides, Dinda is very grateful, because The old woman can overcome her limitation.
What is your response? I believe that organ donor should not be stopped. Organ donor is wanted by people who have a serious illness. I wish discuss organ donor save person live, it create social value, and it can make recipient overcome their limitations.
First of all, organ donor rescue person live. There are a lot of people necessary help other people. If they help regarding organ donation, that is action which precious. Base on data in United States 80 million people contribute their organ after they passed away. On data above, the people open their mindset that save other people is very important. Not only open your mindset, but also they will not take everyone in the danger situation and condition. The people who has damage organ, make sure take one of organ donation to run their live. Accordingly, organ donation should not be stopped because of it would give them a chance to live longer and most healthy.
Secondly, organ donation creates social value. Social value is the value that is shared by community of what constitutes well and what is considered badly by society. To define something is said to be good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate to go through the process of weighing. Same with organ donor, before they contribute their organ, they have already though the consequence of the act. The people that still contribute their organ after they know it, means the people has social value is high. Organ transplant in china continues to increase dramatically. In 2004, as many as 507 times transplant. It indicates that there are presences of the person caring for others, in order to establish a social value. Thus, organ donation should not be stopped because of it has social and human values when done on the basis of humaneness.
Finally, organ donor makes recipient overcome their limitation. Recipients are person very grateful to get help. If assistance is about organ donor, make sure they will feel happy. Not only feel happy, but they can overcome their limitation. Limitations make someone embarrasses to do something. With organ donor is given by someone who has a noble heart, they provide the opportunity for the recipient to feel the perfection of parts their body. The people who lost their kidney, they cannot live longer than before. With organ donation, they would overcome their limitation. Donor will get something good in accordance with he did. The recipient will fell satisfied because of their limitations can be overcome. Therefore, organ donation should not be stopped because of it can make a people overcome their limitation.
In conclusion, transplantation organ is everything that exists in every country. We cannot avoid it. Let us look at the positive perspective, transplantation organ has benefits, such as save the lives of others, create social value, and can overcome the limitation of others. It is all a thing that we have to realize. It is a necessity for others, and if we provide our necessary to others, automatically we have created social value in ourselves. Of course, we assume that organ donor can decrease of level their limitations, thus they should not ashamed in doing something. Let me reiterate that the people done transplantation organ, most of them have died. They have done agreement before it. Moreover people that still alive done it, they have though consequence of their action before they do. That is evidence that transplantation organ should not stopped, because it take benefits to others.

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